Fair SLAS 2025

SLAS 2025 in San Diego, California, is the ultimate gathering for professionals at the intersection of science and technology. ASKION is excited to present its advanced solutions in automated fluorescence microscopy, designed to meet the evolving needs of researchers and developers worldwide.

Gefördert vom Freistaat Thüringen, Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitale Gesellschaft
Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union

Under the consulting guidelines of the Free State of Thuringia, our company receives funding for consultations and process support. These support strategies for the establishment and sustainable positive development and securing of SMEs. The resulting findings and recommendations are documented in a consulting report. The funding is provided from the European Social Fund Plus and the funds of the Free State of Thuringia.

Our company receives funding from the European Union via the FTI-Thüringen Technologie guideline. In this project, a test platform is being developed on which various assemblies, materials and functionalities for biobanks can be tested independently of the device. The purpose of the project is to react flexibly and quickly to changing device requirements using the platform’s testing capabilities.

Through the FTI-Thüringen Personen guideline, our company receives funding from the State of Thuringia from the European Social Fund Plus for innovative employees in the field of fluorescence microscopy (2024 INP 0122). The topics are development, testing and optimization of fluorescence microscopes in different sizes and functions as well as the identification of functional requirements for the devices.

Through the FTI-Thüringen Personen guideline, our company receives funding from the State of Thuringia from the European Social Fund Plus for innovative employees in the field of biobanking (2024 INP 0132). Innovative software solutions for cryo devices are developed. A special focus is on IT security, modularity and flexibility of future device generations.

Sponsor Federal Ministry of Education and Research


FKZ: 13GW0636D

RUBIN – NeuroMiR

FKZ: 03RU1U052B